Guidelines for Volunteers of NMVFO

New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors consists of people from different social, ethnic, economic, religious, and political backgrounds who come together to work as a team for the betterment of New Mexico's outdoors. We've do this by respecting each other and the people with whom and for whom we work. However, we have faced (thankfully rare) situations in the past where a volunteer needed to be reminded of basic rules with which to work with others. These all fall into the "common sense" or "of course" variety of individual behavior, and should not surprise nor offend anyone, but do bear listing so that the Organization’s position is unambiguously stated.

The following behavior is considered unacceptable:

  • Possessing, using, selling or reporting to a project under the influence of illegal substances
  • Being visibly drunk and excessively loud or otherwise behaving obnoxiously
  • Negligently operating equipment, tools, or other devices used to perform our work
  • Acting in any way that endangers self or others. Examples include working around cliffs or steep terrain without regard to the safety of self or others, not keeping campfires safe, and recklessly dealing with potentially dangerous creatures - rattlesnakes, scorpions, bears, etc.
  • Using obscene language, gestures, and racial or ethnic slurs
  • Sexually harassing others
  • Discriminating against others due to race, religious or ethnic background, sexual preference, or gender
  • Not following directions given by the crew leader/project leader/agency representative
  • Keeping others awake past posted or discussed quiet time hours in campgrounds
  • Willfully violating agency rules, both project-specific and those generally known
  • Fighting or verbally and/or physically assaulting others
  • Being involved with theft of other people's, NMVFO and/or agency (USFS, BLM, etc.) property
  • Misusing NMVFO property, assets, or funds
  • Being unwilling to fill out and sign a waiver form on projects