SUMMARY: 8.3k feet to 12.5k feet, 73.8 miles
DESCRIPTION: Skyline is the heart and soul of the Pecos Wilderness.
GETTING THERE: From the west, hike in from Winsor trailhead along the Winsor trail, about 4.2 miles.
CONDITIONS: As of July 2020 Skyline is completely cleared of downfall from Winsor to Penitente Peak. We cannot speak to the conditions of the other 98% of the trail.
NMVFO has done recent work projects on this trail:
Horsethief Trail Backpack (SFNF)
Horse supported, crosscut and tread near Horsethief Meadows
Stewart Lake Backpack (Santa Fe NF)
Four-day backpack at Stewart Lake in the Pecos Wilderness, sawing and lopping
Skyline Trail Backpack (Santa Fe NF)
Back Country Horsemen providing support. Deadfall removal, brush work, tread improvement. Waitlist available.
Skyline Backpack (Santa Fe NF)
Trail tread repair and erosion control from Puerto Nambe to the saddle of Santa Fe Mount Baldy. Additional support provided by the Back Country Horsemen.