SUMMARY: 9.4k feet to 10.4k feet, 5.4 miles.
DESCRIPTION: North Baldy Trail runs between North Baldy Peak and South Baldy Peak, along a ridgeline with fine views on both sides.
This trail is part of the Grand Enchantment Trail, and connects with Hop Canyon Trail 25/25A, Copper Canyon Trail #10, and South Baldy Trail #11.
GETTING THERE: From the north, FS 505E to North Baldy might be possible with a high clearance vehicle. From the south, continue up Water Canyon Road as far as possible, but the last part up to Magdalena Ridge Observatory is closed and will require a hike along the road.
CONDITIONS: As of September 2020 the 2.9 mile portion between Hop Canyon Trail #25 and 25A has been cleared of deadfalls, and mostly lopped of Gambel oak. The oak grows thick in patches along the crest on the northern portion, and in a few spots made the tread hard to follow prior to being cleared.
NMVFO has project(s) on this trail:
Water Canyon CG (Magdalena RD)
Several small teams tackled geographically dispersed trails that needed deadfall removal and brushing.