SUMMARY: 7.8k feet to 8.8k feet, 1.9 miles
DESCRIPTION: New Canyon Trail ascends from the trailhead at New Canyon Campground, briefly along a seasonal creek, and climbing up to the Manzano Crest Trail, near Osha Peak.
GETTING THERE: Directions to New Canyon Campground:
From Albuquerque: Take I-40 East to the Tijeras exit (175), drive south on Hwy 337 (old South 14) though Chilili. Hwy 337 dead ends at Hwy 55. Turn west to Tajiique and Torreon to Manzano.** Estimated drive time from Central and Tramway to the campground is 1.5 hours
From Socorro: Drive Hwy 60 to Mountainair, then north on Hwy 55 through Punta to Manzano.** Estimated drive time from Socorro to the campground is 1.5 hours.
**At the Manzano church, turn west at the large Forest Service sign pointing to New Canyon CG and Capilla Peak. Drive Forest Road 245 for 5 miles to the campground. High-clearance vehicles are usually not required.
CONDITIONS: Lopping and downfall clearing was done in 2019. The trail will tend to grow brushy in places.
NMVFO recent work projects:
New Canyon CG (Mountainair RD)
Re-establish tread, clear deadfall, and install signs along the Manzano Crest Trail just south of the New Canyon/Crest Trail junction.