SUMMARY: 7.0k feet to 10.2k feet, 4.4 miles
DESCRIPTION: Goes from FS 406 (one mile from Water Canyon Campground) to North Baldy Trail. The lower part starts with gentle incline, with signs of ATV use on wide trail. Later the trail becomes steep and narrow and rocky. Just past an old prospector’s cabin, the trail splits into two branches, both intersecting with North Baldy Trail #8, after a very steep climb.
On the lower third, Ponderosa Pine and Oak provide shade. Unlike in most of the state, the Gambel oak here have grown beyond shrubs into larger trees.
GETTING THERE: From US60, go south on Water Canyon Road 5.1 miles towards Water Canyon Campground, but just before turning right to head to Water Canyon Campground, continue straight up a steep and unmaintained FS 406 to Copper Canyon trailhead, just beyond a private land inholding, to a small parking area. A high clearance 4WD vehicle is required.
Alternatively, park at the Water Canyon Campground and prepare for a 1 mile roadwalk.
CONDITIONS: As of September 2020, the lower three miles is clear of deadfalls and has been lopped.
NMVFO has projects(s) on this trail:
Water Canyon CG (Magdalena RD)
Several small teams tackled geographically dispersed trails that needed deadfall removal and brushing.