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Trout Creek (Glenwood RD)

April 27, 2018 @ 8:00 AM - April 29, 2018 @ 12:00 PM

Contact Leader(s): Jim Scanlon, 505-385-0517, scanlon.jim@gmail.com with any questions.

RESULTS: Six volunteers renewed 1.25 miles of trail in the Gila.

Join us as we return to the northwestern part of the Gila. Last year we improved the Airstrip Mesa Trail and will be working on the nearby Trout Creek Trail to create a loop. We will be doing tread restoration and construction. We’ll work all day Friday and Saturday and half a day on Sunday.

We will be camping near the small town of Luna in the same location as last year under the cover of ponderosa pines with a nearby creek. There’s plenty of space to pitch tents or sleep in a vehicle. VFO will be supplying Friday, Saturday and Sunday breakfasts, and Friday and Saturday dinners. Volunteers will be responsible for their own lunches, which we’ll eat on the trail, plus snacks and beverages, adult or otherwise.

Most people will arrive on Thursday evening, but if you have constraints, arriving early on Friday is possible. This project does have a maximum of 12 volunteers.

To sign-up or request more information contact Jim Scanlon at scanlon.jim@gmail.com or call 505-385-0517.


April 27, 2018 @ 8:00 AM
April 29, 2018 @ 12:00 PM
Event Category:


Jim Scanlon