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Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)

February 15, 2020 @ 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Contact Leader(s): Larry Benson, L.Benson@nmvfo.org with any questions.

RESULTS: Sixteen volunteers, including five first-timers, pole-Planted 705 Goodings Willows and 70 Cotton Trees in three locations along the Rio Grande. Work included carrying bundles of saplings near pre-drilled holes from a flat-bed trailer and carrying about half of them from where they were soaking in a side channel of the river to reload the trailer. After inserting the saplings as deep as possible into the water table, we carefully filled in and packed the soil around the plants. (This year the soil was fairly dry and sandy, but in previous years the soil could contain more clay and be muddy and molded into clods, which makes the planting more difficult and time-consuming.



Description: Sevilleta NWR (https://www.fws.gov/refuge/sevilleta/) protects a large area north of Socorro containing a great variety of terrain, flora, and fauna on both sides of the Rio Grande. Photos of last year’s project can be viewed at https://www.flickr.com/photos/78338108@N07/albums/72157703584324712.

Volunteers for this year’s project are once again invited to help improve the riparian habitat along the Rio Grande in a restoration area that has been cleared of invasive Tamarisk trees. We will be pole-planting willows and/or cottonwoods to create an environment favorable to a variety of native wildlife, especially the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. Refuge staff will have already drilled holes down to the water table with a heavy-duty auger and prepared the cuttings for planting, so our main job will be inserting these small saplings and back-filling the holes (to include breaking up clods of drying soil). As this task needs to be done in late winter (before the growing season), please dress for chilly weather and precipitation depending on the latest forecast for Socorro. The place where we’ll be working may be muddy, so wearing sturdy water-resistant boots or work shoes is advised if possible. Also bring work gloves and a daypack with lunch, drinks, and snacks. Extra water will be available at the work site. Our work may be completed by early or mid-afternoon depending on attendance. Larry will be coordinating carpooling for those interested in offering or receiving a ride. Contact Larry if you have any questions and sign up below by February 13. If you are bringing friends or family members, please fill out another sign-up form with their information or have them do so.

Directions: All volunteers are asked to arrive at Sevilleta’s Visitor Center by 8:30 AM to sign in, take advantage of the indoor plumbing if desired, and consolidate into vehicles for transportation to the work site. The project leader plans to arrive in time to brew some coffee and greet early arrivals with it, juice, and snacks. The center is located 60 miles south of Albuquerque’s “Big-I” on Interstate 25. Take Exit 169 and make a sharp right turn at the first intersection. As shown on the map, the Visitor Center is about 1/4 of a mile up this road. (https://goo.gl/maps/fKVrKMb3X962)

Difficulty: 1 Pulaski

Group Size: Up to 25

Links for more information:  If this is your first NMVFO project, you can find more information about difficulty ratings and what to expect at https://nmvfo.org/volunteer/volunteer-faq, or email the project leader (Larry) at l.benson@nmvfo.org.


February 15, 2020
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Event Category:


Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
NM United States
View Venue Website


Larry Benson