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Manzano Crest Trail at Capilla Peak (Mountainair RD)
October 5, 2019 @ 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Contact Leader(s): Don Lemke, d.lemke@nmvfo.org; Ed DiBello, 505-705-2584, e.dibello@nmvfo.org with any questions.
RESULTS: Ten volunteers cleared 2.25 miles of the Manzano Crest Trail north of Capilla Peak to include lopping overgrowth, building cairns, and removing fallen timbers.
Join us for a day of trail work on the Manzano Crest Trail starting at Capilla Peak. The work will mostly consist of trimming back badly overgrown sections and removing a few fallen trees. We will make a very short re-route at the very start of the trail. The work will be in the first 1.2 miles north of Capilla Peak but the trail drops 800 feet in that distance. The hike out will be strenuous.
We will meet at the New Canyon Campground at 8:30 on the 5th for a Safety Briefing then carpool the rest of the way to Capilla Peak. Please be on site prior to 8:30 to sign in.
This is a one day project; however, Volunteers may camp at the New Canyon CG or at dispersed campsites on Friday night. Vault toilets, tables, bear boxes and fire rings are available at the Campground. No water is available. The road to the Campground is suitable for passenger vehicles; however, trailers and RV’s are not recommended.
Volunteers should wear long pants, long sleeves, sturdy boots (no sandals or tennis/athletic shoes) and work gloves. They should also bring sunscreen, a hat, rain protection (just in case), daypack, water, snacks, and food for lunch. Tools, hard hats and eye protection will be provided by NMVFO. Just as a reminder, dogs are not allowed on NMVFO projects.
To reach New Canyon Campground from Albuquerque drive east on I-40 then go south on 337 (old Highway 14) at Tijeras. Highway 337 ends at a T. Turn right (west) on Highway 55 and continue to the town of Manzano. At Manzano turn right (west) at the sign for Capilla Peak and New Canyon Campground. Drive 5 miles on the dirt road to New Canyon campground. The total time from Central and Tramway is at least 1.5 hours.
Registration for this project is required; please email the project leader (Don) at dlemke1@hotmail.com or the co-project leader (Ed) at edbhiker@gmail.com no later than Noon, Wednesday, October 2, 2019.
Geolocation: New Canyon Campground, Torreon, NM 87061 (Initial meeting site)
Latitude: 34.6706148
Longitude: -106.4116529
Links for more information: If this is your first NMVFO project, you can find more information about what to expect at https://nmvfo.org/volunteer/volunteer-faq
Rating: 2 Pulaskis