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EARTH DAY! Fence Removal (Santa Fe Conservation Trust)

April 19 @ 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

disassemble fencing

Contact Leader(s): Dan Potter, d.potter@nmvfo.org; Bruce Wollens, b.wollens@nmvfo.org with any questions.

Description: Join NMVFO for a fence-removal project with a new partner, the Santa Fe Conservation Trust.  Cattle fencing of this type presents a barrier and hazard for wildlife and people.  We will meet at the Cottonwood Trailhead at 9:00 AM, then carpool to the worksite.  Fence removal will continue to 3PM, or until this section of fence is removed.

Work: Our focus is on a half-mile stretch of 4-strand barbed wire fencing and all metal T-posts.  Our work will include cutting and coiling the barbed wire, as well as pulling and stacking all metal “T-Post” fenceposts

Food/Water: Volunteers should bring their own snacks and lunch materials, as well as plenty of water.  After completion of the project, all volunteers are invited to share a late-afternoon meal at the historic Legal Tender restaurant in Lamy, NM.

Tools/Equipment/Clothing:  NMVFO will supply wire-cutters, loppers for brush-clearing, and post-pullers.  If any volunteers have their own fencing pliers (linesmen pliers also work well), please bring them with you.  Volunteers should wear long sleeved shirts and long pants, eye protection/sunglasses, sturdy leather gloves and boots, and a day pack.

Difficulty:  HARD  due to barbed wire hazard.

Group Size:  20.  If the project is full, please email the project leader to be put on a waitlist.

Please read our Volunteer Guidelines before signing up for this project. On the signup form please leave the "Number of Volunteers" at 1. If you would like to sign up additional volunteers please submit multiple signups.


April 19
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Event Category:


Dan Potter
Bruce Wollens